Monday, April 4, 2011

Today You are You, that is Truer than True...

...There is no one alive who is Youer than You.


So lately I have found myself ridiculously determined that I am going to fix my house up. There many many MANY things that need to be done to this place for it to be in a good condition. BUTTTTTTT I need to get it all done. I just hate that I get so impatient with things like this... i want it all to be DONE ALREADY!!!!!! errrg!!! =P


My boyfriend is leaving in 23 days. He'll be gone for 18 weeks and I am really not looking forward to it. He's kind of been what has kept me grounded lately... the one thing that has really kept me sane. As incredibly much as i complain about him and how he annoys the hell out of me, and complain that we fight all the time, I never really find myself gushing about how wonderful he is for me... I feel like a shitty girlfriend because of that. He knows I love him though, and that's really all that matters. =)

I have so many plans circling through my head in constant rotation that I have been finding it a bit difficult lately to focus on just one thing. I go to work, come home, take the girls to school, try to get some sleep, fail miserably because I can never seem to get my thoughts to shut the hell up. It is sincerely bothering me. I'm sure that I will figure it all out in time... I know that I worry too damn much.

it is 12:40am... i have to clock in at work at 3:30 am... I am trying to figure out if it's really worth it to go to sleep for the 2 hours i might get to sleep before i need to start getting ready... and it is starting to seem like i should just stay awake... which sucks because i know that i am going to get really tired before i ever start working.

annnnnnd here i go again. rambling away... probably talking in circles.

typical Angel.


i think that i'm going to attempt the sleep thing? maybe?
