Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Live For Moments You Can't Put Into Words.

I have about 5 minutes to type this Blog... which now that i think about it, doesn't really seem all that possible.

I have to take the girls to school momentarily and then it's on to figuring out the rest of my day. Yesterday didn't go at all how i expected it to go upon waking up... I went to work and had a pretty rough day which i suppose should have just been expected becuase tuesdays are for some reason usually a pretty busy day for us.. but people there had some strange moods going on. It seemed like everyone was angry or upset about something. Could have all just been from people getting stressed out, or maybe i was just stressed out so that's how it seemed to me... the world may never know.

When I got back from work I ended up going to give one of my old friends a ride to get his car from his dad, and got to hangout with him for a bit which was pretty nice. THEN another one of my friends who i hadn't seen in over 2 years ended up coming over to my house. It was really nice to see her it was just a little bit weird because it had been so long. I couldn't tell if she was different or if I'm just so different that she seemed diffferent as well... hmm... that's somthing to Riddle over i suppose.

The rest of the day? i had SOOOOOOOOooOOOOoooOOOOooo many things that i needed to get done, but i ended up... sleeping. Just sleeping. Fun huh? Not so much for me... TOOOO MUCH SLEEEP.

Thought of the Day: "Don't sweat that small stuff, and remember. It's ALL small stuff." ... seems like an old and stuffy saying... but seriously, Try it. I DARE YOU.


I'm all out of time now.


Mischief Managed.