Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Piñata's and I Have a Few things in common tonight.

I had a sort of mini break down earlier. I really wish that uncoils somehow save those for when my boyfriend isn't there to take the brunt of it. =\ I love him soooo fucking much and yet somehow I always end up flipping out on him. I KNOW what I am doing with my life and yet for some strange reason I always get discouraged when I am faced with the fact that he is DOING something with his life already. Like I'm just convinced all of a sudden that I'm going to get left behind. Which I am well aware is not going to happen unless I make it happen. Soooooo this is my personal vow that I am going to shape up. I'm going to be a much better girlfriend from now on. My Baby deserves it. =)

In other news... I have been playing Viva Piñata for the entire day. I forgot how much I loved this game. And I also forgot how it felt to stay up into the wee hours of the morning to play a video games. It makes me miss my daddy... But not in the sad and swept kind of way... More in the "damn those were some good times that i wish I would have paid more attention to at the time" sort of way... If that makes anysense to you at all.

All in all. I am going to try and stop feeling sorry for myself so much. When in all actuality i don't seriously feel sorry for myself... I was tricking myself into thinking I was less of a person?!? I don't know if I'm making any sense... But I think I said it all correctly.

I'm missing my bestfriend a lot lately too. I would like to re-submit the fact that was spoiled on bestfriend time this summer. Truly and completely. =\ but everything will be okay. I'm absotively posoloutely sure about that. Lol.

I'm a dork. I know.

Smile. Someone loves you.