Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Blurry Pictures and Forbidden Gym Memberships???

((This is my 3rd attempt at posting this. I think I figured it out now.))

Things have been really odd lately. I know that I am forever saying that I wish I could figure things out... But right now it just feels like nothing at all is making any sense whatsoever. My life seems to be on a spiral. I have no clue as to what sort of a spiral it's on... But I'm pretty sure I'm not okay with it.

Lately i have been trying to pull myself out of the rut that I somehow just woke up in. I have been trying to take the reins and just live for myself, as it should be. And I have been succeeding for the most part. I guess I'm just wired to think that "for the most part" isn't good enough... I dwell too much on what is still missing instead of looking at the positives in every situation. Well. I can only do my best and i feel okay with the fact that my best isn't always good enough. I'm just one girl. Learning ahoy myself more and more each day. And the only thing that I really have to show for myself is the fact that even through all of the bad shit I have been though, I am STILL trying. Which makes me very proud of myself.

I never feel like I make any sense on this thing. You'll forgive me for talking in circles right? Cool. =)

Sent from my iPhone, Sincerely, Angel.