Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Piñata's and I Have a Few things in common tonight.

I had a sort of mini break down earlier. I really wish that uncoils somehow save those for when my boyfriend isn't there to take the brunt of it. =\ I love him soooo fucking much and yet somehow I always end up flipping out on him. I KNOW what I am doing with my life and yet for some strange reason I always get discouraged when I am faced with the fact that he is DOING something with his life already. Like I'm just convinced all of a sudden that I'm going to get left behind. Which I am well aware is not going to happen unless I make it happen. Soooooo this is my personal vow that I am going to shape up. I'm going to be a much better girlfriend from now on. My Baby deserves it. =)

In other news... I have been playing Viva Piñata for the entire day. I forgot how much I loved this game. And I also forgot how it felt to stay up into the wee hours of the morning to play a video games. It makes me miss my daddy... But not in the sad and swept kind of way... More in the "damn those were some good times that i wish I would have paid more attention to at the time" sort of way... If that makes anysense to you at all.

All in all. I am going to try and stop feeling sorry for myself so much. When in all actuality i don't seriously feel sorry for myself... I was tricking myself into thinking I was less of a person?!? I don't know if I'm making any sense... But I think I said it all correctly.

I'm missing my bestfriend a lot lately too. I would like to re-submit the fact that was spoiled on bestfriend time this summer. Truly and completely. =\ but everything will be okay. I'm absotively posoloutely sure about that. Lol.

I'm a dork. I know.

Smile. Someone loves you.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are.

Things are alright right now. I have a few things that I am supposed to be doing today... But when is that not the case. I'm sort of hungry and I wish I could see my boyfriend whenever I wanted. BUT things will settle into some form of normalcy soon enough. Atleast they better. Or I'll go bananas.

And that wouldn't be very good. For ANYONE. =P

I need to dye my mini-me's hair soon. I'm dreading turning everything that I own red though. =\ I always feel bad when I get it everywhere.

Ugh. I think I need some cuddle with my boyfriend time. Uninterrupted cuddles. Yep. That's the cure. =) hopefully soon.

Pretty Please?!?!??!

If you don't like the ship...

(((another post where the picture didn't work... Dated sometime in July?!? I think)))

...Then jump off and swim. But don't leave it burning behind you.

Why have I stopped blogging again???!?? I don't know why I always do this??? I make myself angry this way. *angry face*

It's been a really long summer so far. And we aren't even close to the end of it yet. Shit. =\ I don't know what to do to make the time go by faster. I hate feeling lonely when I am surrounded by people. And I feel like a major jerk because the people around me are trying to get me to see reason and to be okay and to feel better. When in all actuality nothing is really WRONG per say... Just sort of... Off. If that makes any sense. =P I dunno. I hope it at least resembles something senseical, is that a word? =]

Belly Badges and Broken Hearts...

((From sometime before August 4th...))

Things got bad today... Why is it always such a rollercoaster to be me? I'll explain more later. I just wish I knew why. =\\\


Blurry Pictures and Forbidden Gym Memberships???

((This is my 3rd attempt at posting this. I think I figured it out now.))

Things have been really odd lately. I know that I am forever saying that I wish I could figure things out... But right now it just feels like nothing at all is making any sense whatsoever. My life seems to be on a spiral. I have no clue as to what sort of a spiral it's on... But I'm pretty sure I'm not okay with it.

Lately i have been trying to pull myself out of the rut that I somehow just woke up in. I have been trying to take the reins and just live for myself, as it should be. And I have been succeeding for the most part. I guess I'm just wired to think that "for the most part" isn't good enough... I dwell too much on what is still missing instead of looking at the positives in every situation. Well. I can only do my best and i feel okay with the fact that my best isn't always good enough. I'm just one girl. Learning ahoy myself more and more each day. And the only thing that I really have to show for myself is the fact that even through all of the bad shit I have been though, I am STILL trying. Which makes me very proud of myself.

I never feel like I make any sense on this thing. You'll forgive me for talking in circles right? Cool. =)

Sent from my iPhone, Sincerely, Angel.

Crazy Faces... Creepy places.

I don't know what is going on today. But I miss my baby.

I hope things take some sort of a turn for the better. At least at some point today. =\


=) thanks.



Picture test?!?

I'm trying to figure out the best way to upload pictures to this blog. =\

Happy Homecoming and Hectic Hair Dye?!?

My baby is home!!!! And things with us seem way better than ever. =D He makes me ridiculously happy. All is well right now. And I seriously enjoy the fact that I can finally say that again. You have NOOOOOOO idea. I love this. And I love him.

Now if only the smell of hairdye wasn't invading my nostrils maybe I could get some sleep. =P

I miss him though. Wish he was here to cuddle with me. Then it would be a perfect night. =))). No doubt about it.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Testing??!??!???? ='(
