Saturday, June 9, 2012

Never trust anything that can think for itself...

...if you can't see where it keeps it's brain.

Today has been an incredibly long day. Add insult to injury, tomorrow will be worse. =\

The Mini-Me moved out tonight... Now I have a giant mess to clean up, and things to move around, and a whole upstairs to organize. Fun fun. Now- to try and find some time. =P Oy. Cuddle time. Dylan came home a night early. He's too adorable to resist snuggling up to, do i'm going to give in now.

Goodnight world!!!


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Blogger App!!!...

I need a nap.

If You Don't Know Where You're Going...

...Any road will get you there.

I should be asleep. I should be taking advantage of some of the very few minutes of down time I've got before I rush off to job #2, and I should be doing so by sleeping. I can't function properly while sleep deprived. This is no good, seeing as I am ALWAYS sleep deprived as of late. - This being one of the main reasons that I have neglected my blog again. Recent talk on facebook about one of my Aunts wanting to take to the Internet with her thoughts reminded me that I too have a blog... one that I used to use as a personal journal because I was convinced that no one was ever going to read it. This, is not that blog.. this one has basically been for me to complain. A place for me to bitch about all of the silly or mundane things going on around me. It's been a very long road indeed. My life is much different now than it was when I first started this thing... but I don't really know how I could have done anything differently. I'll just have to be okay with the way things are turning out and roll with it. What else is there? There's really no going back in life. And even if that were a possibility I don't think that I would be one to choose to take advantage of this luxury. I don't want to live my life over again. I don't want to have to lose the ones I've lost a 2nd time... no matter if I could spend another day with them or another 20 years with them. I don't want to feel the pain of losing them another time around. No thank you. Call me crazy for thinking this, I don't care. Really... you're allowed to think what you will. But my opinion will not be altered. I just don't want to go back for anything. I believe that you live the life you live for a reason.. You are who you are because in the grand scheme of things, that's who you were supposed to me. So, that being said... I'm me. I'm a 21 year old "mother" of two wonderful (and sometimes annoying) teenagers who I love with all my heart. I have been with my boyfriend for well over 3 years now and through all of our ups and downs I am proud to report that we are doing really well. I love him more than words could ever come close to making sense of. There are still things in my life that I will be on here to bitch about... because my family has been doing nothing but bugging the hell out of me for the last few months. No, I don't want a do-over... I do not want to go back in time. Because all of the things that I have been through are what make my life MINE. No one else's.

I work too many hours in a day to even be able to promise regular updates, but that being said.... I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack. Hello Blogger Buddies...

Did you miss me?
