Thursday, April 22, 2010


So i can't really decide weather or not i like this blog layout or not... but i think for now it should be alright.

I am proud of myself for not giving up on all of this yet... i usually forget about my blogs like less than a day after i post on them last.

but hopefully that will all change soon.

or rather... like... now?

i don't know what to write about really... i definitely wish i knew how to get people to read this... and/or... how to meet people on here... this whole thing is new to me... even though my other blog has been my blog since around 2005.


That is almost 5 years ago... and yet i think i'm on my like 16th-ish post...

What is WRONG with me?!?!?!?!?!?!


i had some really really good parmesan chicken wings earlier... and now i want some more...

i hate being on a diet. =P i always always want to eat way more that i know i should... simply because i am depriving myself of all things enjoyable?


oh well.

Moving on.

I miss my Jesaka.

She is in College.

This is no fun for me at ALL!!!!

blogging is fun though... so if you stop by here, make sure you comment and say hello. Please?

I'll Love you FOREVER.

Okay okay... maybe i shouldn't make promises that i may not be able to keep... but here's a legitimate one.

I would Greatly Appreciate it if you did let me know you were here... it will probably make me feel special. =P


A girl can dream right??!?


i thought that i was done typing there... and yet i can't seem to get my fingers to work correctly.

they have a mind of their own... i can't stop typing.

i'm never this hyper.

this is really strange.


i'm dumb.


stopping now.




Amazingless said...

Hello, Angel. I think you may have solved the comment problem – hurrah. It certainly looks like it’s going to work now, so that’s something.

Anyway, let’s see. There are a number of ways to attract people to your blog, but the best way is to go and visit other bloggers and leave a comment with them (try to avoid saying “come and visit me, follow me, look at me” etc, as this will just get people’s backs up). They may not all come back here, of course, but most of them will (blogging etiquette). This approach may take time but it’s absolutely the best way to go about things.

If you wonder where to start, then have a look at your own profile page. You see your interests? Well, you could click on one of these underlined blue words – they link to all Blogspot bloggers with similar interests – and start from there. So, for example, if you were to click on “Mac Books”, say, or “German”, you would be taken to a page which listed bloggers with similar interests. It’s somewhere to start, anyway. (You’ll also see yourself in these lists.)

Another idea is to have a list of links to other blogs (you like) in your sidebar. People tend to like seeing their names there.

Plus – and this is a personal preference – always respond to any gusest once they get here. How will they know you’ve read your words, otherwise? I don’t really like when I see blog hosts fail to respond to their guests, as it’s a bit like inviting people round to your house and then studiously ignoring them. It baffles me.

Don’t worry, I don’t mean to say that you need to respond to this long, rambling weirdness – I just mean as a general principle. People will be more inclined to pay repeat visits if you take some time to acknowledge their presence. Stands to reason.

Anyway, I’m sure this is enough to be getting on with, so I should shut up.

Kind regards etc....


Amazingless said...

Oops. Typo. Hate when that happens. I meant to say "guests", of course, not "gusest". What on earth is a "gusest"? Deary me.