Monday, April 26, 2010

Do I look scared???

Cuz I most definitely was reeeeeeal scared earlier. =\

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Today was... Interesting to say the least.

Things are really weird at the moment. I wish that I knew how to
better understand my life... But I suppose that really would defeat
the purpose of living and whatnot. Dah!!!! I'm too tired to think of
things to write about =\ goodnight world.

Question of the day:

How many licks does it take to get to the Just kidding.

What's your most prized possession?

Lol. Prolly spelled that wrong.


Ask me anything??? I'm sort of an open book.

Friday, April 23, 2010

I think that i too have things to say...

~*!*~ I'm sorry. Plain and Simple. I am a horrible person when it comes to you... i don't know if it's because i know that you are going to put up with my bullshit... or if i just really am a horrible person... but every single inch of my soul feels as though i have done you an injustice... i feel like i have let you down and until i can find a way to make you proud of me... i think this is something that i am forever going to dwell on. I wish there was a simple ay to just sit you down and say "Hey. I love you. I love you more than you will ever understand... i wouldn't be here without you... and you didn't have to take care of me for so long... the fact that you took me in with such open arms in such a comfortable embrace just goes to show what an amazing person you are and i am so sorry if it ever seems that i don't appreciate you. I don't know what to do to make you proud of me... or in the very least... not ashamed of me... but i AM going to figure it all out. And one thing is for sure... the sooner the better."

~*!*~ I miss you to the point that i fear i may have actually gone insane. no joke... i really don't feel like myself anymore... and yet... something feels right about that...i think that in trying to hold on to you and to the memories that we shared... i was also trying to hold on to the person... or should i say child that i was when i lost you... and i am 19 years old now... i need to be a grown-up and realize that this is how things are... this is how things are always going to be...if you were here you would tell me to suck it up and knock it off... that things were going to be okay... and that as long as i was genuinely happy I could do no wrong with my life. because you trusted me to know what does and doesn't make me happy... and what is and isn't really bad for me... All in all... things aren't good. i miss you way way way too much... and hopefully it doesn't end... because i really would lose sight of everything that i am if i didn't have my memories of you to guide me. You really did leave me way too incredibly soon. i still needed you. it wasn't fair to test my strength like that... seriously? what were you thinking...?!?!?!? i would definintely like to know... really... i would just like to know that you are okay now. I dunno... all i know is that losing you is very hard.

~*!*~ You are for all intents and purposes... Me. I miss you so much and i feel like a very large and vital part of myself is missing... and it is all because you are so far away... not only just because you are far away... but because you CHOSE to leave... you WANTED to go far away... and i know that in your heart you weren't trying to abandon me or my friendship... and i know that you love me like family just as i love you like MY family... but still... i didn't realize how incredibly much i relied on our us until the very day you left... and when you did... i was like... well. SHIT. this fucking sucks. once more... it hurts. I honestly don't know what to do with myself anymore... you were really the only one who understands how i am feeling or what i am going though without me having to take hours to try and explain myself. i never ever in a million years expected to find a person who i would see myself relying on so much like that... i never would have thought that i would have a bestfriend who really and truly cared about me... and even though i know that you love me almost as much as i love you... i was really upset with you for quite some time. i was being selfish and i felt like "how dare she!?!?... How dare she abandon me and leave our friendship in the dust" i know i know... that's not how it is... i know that we still have half of eachother's brains and that "nothing can come between us" and all that jazz... but i was sincerely hurt that you wanted to get out of here at your first opportunity. BUT... alas... had i actually been given the chance.. and there weren't certain things around to anchor me to where i need to stay... i would have probably went with you... or i would have went my own way... but it wouldn't have been this hard. That being said... i am extraordinarily proud of you for putting yourself though all of this... just for college. i have never been prouder in my life... i love you no matter what and i WILL always be here for you... i pinky promise.

~*!*~ HMM..... more later... i need to head home. =/


Bad day. This isn't cool. =\

Sent from my iPhone, Sincerely, Angel.

Good afternoon, Bloggers.

Time flies when you're not paying attention to it... Have I just NOT
been paying attention to the last 6 years? Because it feels like just
yesterday I was screaming at the top of my lungs in the middle of a
blowout fight with him. Ugh. I don't really know where to go from here.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I know, I know. I said I was done.

Nope. Not done. I just figured why not?

I just drove home from my mom's house. I wish I knew what was going on
with my car... It was making a really obnoxious squealing noise rye
entire drive home. =/

I am really tired now though... So goodnight, world.

0_o I is sleeping n....zZZzzzZ.


So i can't really decide weather or not i like this blog layout or not... but i think for now it should be alright.

I am proud of myself for not giving up on all of this yet... i usually forget about my blogs like less than a day after i post on them last.

but hopefully that will all change soon.

or rather... like... now?

i don't know what to write about really... i definitely wish i knew how to get people to read this... and/or... how to meet people on here... this whole thing is new to me... even though my other blog has been my blog since around 2005.


That is almost 5 years ago... and yet i think i'm on my like 16th-ish post...

What is WRONG with me?!?!?!?!?!?!


i had some really really good parmesan chicken wings earlier... and now i want some more...

i hate being on a diet. =P i always always want to eat way more that i know i should... simply because i am depriving myself of all things enjoyable?


oh well.

Moving on.

I miss my Jesaka.

She is in College.

This is no fun for me at ALL!!!!

blogging is fun though... so if you stop by here, make sure you comment and say hello. Please?

I'll Love you FOREVER.

Okay okay... maybe i shouldn't make promises that i may not be able to keep... but here's a legitimate one.

I would Greatly Appreciate it if you did let me know you were here... it will probably make me feel special. =P


A girl can dream right??!?


i thought that i was done typing there... and yet i can't seem to get my fingers to work correctly.

they have a mind of their own... i can't stop typing.

i'm never this hyper.

this is really strange.


i'm dumb.


stopping now.



Hello World!!!

So this is getting ridiculous. i have posted WAAAAAY more in the las 12 hours that i have in years and years. =P

But oh well...

I'm at my mommy's house right now... hopefully about to go and find some new eyebrow rings for my teardrop piercings... i keep snagging them and i'm going to have to take them out if i don't do something about it soon.

i hate it when piercings reject. UGH!!!!!!!

My eye hurts now.



Ugh!!!! When i try and send blogs via text message it only let's me when I don't have a picture.... This is lame... But still nice to know that it is possible to update this way... I'm going to keep typing though because I want to see if it splits my one long text message into multiple blog posts... If it does then I will most definitely be using the e-mail version to wrote on here... =) i think that should be long enough... Don't you?

Question of the day:

Will you look back on your life and remember this day?

Tonight's been fun...

This has been a long night... I posted a buncha blogs and I don't
normally do that... But I'm guessing I will be doing this more often
now that I know how to do it from my e-mail. This should be pretty
awesome. =) hope you all had a great night, and I hope your tomorrow
is even better.

Well this is sweet.

I was always wondering if there were different ways that I could blog
from my phone... And now I have figured it out. =) this makes me
happy. And maybe now I can blog more often... Next stop? Find some
more followers. Ugh. I really wish i knew how this worked. Can anyone
explain it to me??? Cuz that would make my day a much brighter place .
Well... As bright as 2:34am can really be I guess. ;D

Well that one worked...

Does it work when I do this???!?!


Does it work from here too???

Sent from my iPhone, Sincerely, Angel.

Hmm... This doesn't really seem to be working =\

How do you get people to Read what you have to say???

I don't get how people get all kinds of people to come to their site and give a shit about what they've got to say.

I think that it would be awesome if i actually had things to say that are worth reading.

for now though,

i really just.... Don't know.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


So i'm babysitting right now.

this is a random post... but i am definitely going to start posting on here more often.

i pinky promise.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ask me anything??? I'm sort of an open book.