Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Blogger Apps and Reeeeal Long Naps..

Found a blogger app on the android market. Now i'm trying to type this blog with the swype thingamagig. It's really not going too well... But I'm almost certain that this is one of those practice makes perfect things. Well...maybe...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Though Time Can Change So Many Things, I Know One Thing Is True....

...Time can never - EVER change the Love I feel for you.

Today has been a prety interesting day so far... I woke up sick and this is no good. Why do I always have to get sick on my LAST day of my weekend. I don't want to go to work tomorrow but I'm going to have to suck it up and go anyways.

I went and attempted to apply at an employment agency today, and all they said was that the forms of identification that I brought with me were insufficient. So I went all the way across town to the DMV to get a State ID. But the proof of address that I had brought with me was... insufficient. Shocking huh?

So I went all the way to the opposite end of town to my house to get my other proof of addresses, and went all the way back to the DMV. Finally got my state ID and I feel pretty accomplished for the day given how bad i have felt since i woke up.

My boyfriend has been gone since Thursday and I miss him about 100 x's more now than I did last year. I am convinced that this is becaues not only do I love him more this year than I did last year, but I was also spoiled on boyfriend time before he had to leave. It was amazing spending so much time with him lately because he's been pretty much the only thing keeping me sane. I love him more than words could possibly say.

oh look. a text from him. <3

I have felt the need to Blog a lot lately but I sort of feel like I'm just talking to myself when I write on here. This is not a good feeling for me. I drive myself crazy after a while. =P

Okay..... Update:

Totalled my FREAKING car a couple weeks ago. NOW I have to get another job and try to save up for a new car at the same time that I am trying to come up with enough money to take on as many of my Grandmother's bills as i possibly can. I have to feel like I am doing something worthwhile. And yet, I'm scared that I am going to run myself into the ground. I know that I am capable of anything that I put my mind to, and my mind has been on nothing other than trying to figure my finances out lately... So I should be in pretty good shape if i can get another job.

At least... i can hope.

There has been an extreme amount of drama around here lately. It's kind of making me down lately. Which doesn't help the fact that I'm bummed because my boyfriend is about 910 miles away from me right now.


At least at this point I am talking to him on the phone... I love the sound of his voice.


-Mischief Managed.