Monday, November 16, 2009


hmm... I don't know how this voice recording things gonna work... but we'll see huh?

Sent via VR+

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Arrrrgh. I officially SUCK at blogging.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Couple days this time... i may be getting better at this.

Blogs never seem to turn out well for me... it just doesn't happen. I dunno why... i just suck at this.

Things could be better with life right now... but beggars can't exactly be choosers too i suppose.

I Should probably just quit complaining before i get started... because i hate that blogs are always used for complaining about things... i always seem to get back to the complaints. Never fails.

But... Whatever.

Right now I don't know what else to write about.

I Love him...

I love her...

i miss him...

and i miss him.

and i miss her and him for different reasons all together.


my life is a mystery.

will be for as logs as i live i reckon.

Advice of the day?

Take nothing or granted... You may regret it sooner than you think.

Listen to those who care about you most... because sometimes they can tell better than you can what exactly lies in your heart.

Do as your Told... not as you see others doing.

this one doesn't always ring true i guess... none of this really does... but all i'm sure of and the best piece of advise i could possibly give you in this point of my life???

Love. With everything you have. Just do it.

take this advise in any context you wish.

If you know me at all you know what context i was speaking of though.

All my love.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Well... i guess a week isn't as bad as it could have been...

I just found a couple of my old blogs... wow... that was weird.... one of them was from 2006... insane stuff...

I miss those times... and yet... not really?

Things are alright now... they are almost normal... minus a few amazing people... but i think that given their amazingness they'd want me to be alright correct?

i don't know... i am sort of rambling... but i am going to try and write in here more often.


it is summer after all... who says we can only have new years resolutions? what if i want to have them for new seasons as well?

can you stop me?


Ha Mr. Blogger man!!! HA.


I'm tired.

Can you tell?




Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hmm... I Believe an I Told me So is in order?

I had said before that blogging for me wasn't ever going to go well... but i made a new blog anyways... what happened?... i forgot about it. Whenever i remembered that it existed i couldn't post anything on here because I wasn't near a computational device that allows me to do this posting thing.

Moving on...  

My life has gotten exponentially easier to deal with since last december... or rather... since last March I guess... 

I have found a Somebody... and I love him sooooooooo much. I wasn't actually it aware that it were possible to feel this much towards someone... and so quickly as well? I have been feeling  a lot lately like I am going crazy for feeling this way... but... i think he actually feels similar... and that just throws me for a loop at times.

Other than that not much of interest has happened... 

I went to Great America on friday of this last week... and had a blast getting my best-friend onto multiple rollercoasters... But i ended up getting sunburned. I have horrible luck with the sun... and i don't really understand this rivalry that we seem to have going on... I understand that it is most definitely bigger than me... and therefore waaaay more powerful and badass... but come on man!!! you'd think that after EVERY SINGLE summer of my 18 years of life... i might get atleast SOME small amount of mercy?... Nah... I wouldn't get that lucky... as a matter of fact... i got VERY unlucky this weekend. I got sunburned on friday and spent saturday trying to recover from all the hurt i was in... and then Wingding was on Sunday. MAN... i got sunburned on my sunburn and then some more sunburn on that. I'm definitely still feeling it full force... and it is definitely tuesday already. wow. I sort of suck at all of this... going outside shit.


Life... uneventful... Boring... Summer... doesn't really sound all too promising.

Help me Listen for the Ice Cream Man,
