Monday, July 25, 2011

Inebriation, Intoxication, and Interesting Conversation.

Lastnight was... a night. Drank, Laughed, Cried, got Angry... basically it was a roller coaster of sorts. I needed that. It had been far too long since the last time that I felt that I could just let go and say whatever the hell was on my mind. I won't say that I feel like it's something that I need to do more often, because drinking REALLY isn't my thing... But lastnight was most certainly a positive and I am happy to have finally gotten so much crap off of my chest in such a judge-free environment.

I love my Bestfriend.

I love everyone around me... but right now?

Bestfriend wins. <3

Friday, July 15, 2011

Lightning Bolts, Dreams, and the Number 13.

13 Years... I believe it was sometime in September of 1998 and I was 7 years old. I can remember sitting in the living room with my grandpa and seeing something mentioned on whatever news station that he was watching about a book that was being released in the US about a boy who discovers that he is a wizard. My Grampa used to read with me every single night. I loved it, and I can remember most tiny details of the nights spent sitting on the arm of his chair trying to figure out what certain words meant and just LEARNING. I probably learned more sitting on the arm of that chair than I ever did at school. Even so, the day that Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone was released I was immersed. GONE completely wrapped up in the wizarding world and never seen again. I have never been ashamed to admit that my favorite book series is Harry Potter and I have always been proud to say that I've been reading the books and waiting for the movies ever since the very first day the books started coming out. But Harry Potter has always been about so much more than that to me. My dad loved the stories as well. I read the books TO him because he didn't really like to read, but liked the stories and- let's face it... I was a bookworm. I always had my nose in a book growing up. The last thing that I ever got to go do with both of my parents together was seeing the premier of the first Harry Potter movie ( spent half of the time elbowing my mom because she was missing the best parts and i was offended that she could be falling asleep during such an amazing movie) but I loved it. My dad loved it, and he would take me to whatever Harry Potter events came to town, just because it was something for us to do together. Harry Potter exhibits, Harry Potter Nights at the Library... book releases... anything really. And when my dad died? I had no idea what to do. One of the last conversations that I can remember having with my dad though was about how I got completely immersed in the books. In the movies as well, but reading the books was such an incredible experience. I got lost in them. And luckily for me, I did. Dealing with losing my dad at 13 years old was the hardest thing... I had lost my Dad and Mr.Mom as well, but I had also lost my bestfriend. The person who I had spent about 95% of my waking hours with... He was gone. I had to get lost in someting. What kept me sane? What kept me moving in the right direction? What helped me cope? Reading. Leaving this world behind and going to spend time with Harry and the Weasleys and just being happy somewhere else. I threw myself into a whole new world where I didn't have to deal with all of the difficulties of the world that I really belonged to. I'm sorry if none of this makes any sense to whoever may be reading this, but I have been shaped for the better by this story and everything that comes with it. I have strengthened a relationship with my father that was way too short to begin with, formed friendships with people who otherwise wouldn't have spared me a second glance and just basically been happier because I have discovered this world. 13 years out of 20 is a very big portion of ones life to spend anticipating something new out of ONE story. But, It's all over now. Done. The series has been completed... But for me, Harry Potter will live on forever.

Laugh if you want to, I don't mind.

Mischief Managed, indeed.