Saturday, April 9, 2011

Why Stop Dreaming When You Wake Up?

So, it is 7:20pm on a Saturday night. Normally i would be just starting to get ready to go out and hang out with my friends and family on nights like this one. Instead I find myself dead fricking tired and just plain ready to pass out. This is what I get for having the job that i have. =/ Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my job and I would hate to lose it. BUT the hours don't do all too much for my social life. =P

This time last week I found myself incredibly determined. I was going to start work on my bathroom and figure out a way to fix the house up all nice for my Grama and it really looked like it was a realistic plan. I thought that i had thought it through pretty thoroughly but apparently I was wrong. Nothing is turning out the way that I need it to. The Bathroom was supposed to come fisrt because we need a shower put in more than anything else around here in my opinion. BUT what did I do? I went out and committed myself to two very large purchases and a few people (trying no to let myelf be one of them) think that I am going to get in over my head. I know that I am capable of doing this on my own. I know that I have to potential and all I have to do is figure out my Budget and things of that nature for the next while... but what would really help is if I could find another Job. Maybe not one that has as much work involved in it =P I just mean that I would really like to have another source of income because it would sincerely help out around here. It would be wonderful to be able to find a way to make all of my plans come to life. On my own. With NO HELP from anyone. Because I am sick of hearing people tell me that I don't appreciate my Grama, and I have no respect for anyone... That is just not the case. Not that my words are ever enough to plead my case. =/

Right now, I have my Boyfriend asking me to come over to his house to hang out for a while, and my Ex boyfriend asking me to go over to my brother's house to hangout with them for a while. When really, all I want to do is go to sleep. My room feels wonderful right now because I turned the air conditioner on for the first time this year today. I am just TOO comfy right now.

Regardless though I do need to go somewhere. None of my problems are ever going to get solved if I keep this string of disappointments going and going and going and going. I hate that no one seems to understand it all. I can't really explain it either. You'll just have to take my word for it, won't you?

I want to do sooooo many things right now. I just wish that I could figure out how the heck to make this happen. For once... just for once. It would be really nice to be pleasantly surprised by the positive direction my life is changing.

I love my life, and I am extremely proud of myself right now because I am doing good things with what I have to work with. I only wish that i had the means to do more for us all. I only wany the best for everyone. What do I have to do to achieve this?!?!?

I'm sure that I will figure it all out somehow. I just hope this happens sooner rather than later.

Until Next Time.

Mischief Managed.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Abracabubbles and Boyfriends Who Cause Trouble...

Daaaahhh...... Today has been a good day, at least up until a point. There's always gotta be something though, right? Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse. Or, so Murphy says anyway. =P

I blogged already once today, so this seems a little odd. It has been QUITE a while since I have written two posts in a day. This may or may not have something to do with the fact that I am using my computer instead of my iPhone? It sort of sucks having to type out entire blogs worth of words on the little bitty screen of the phone... BUT I do need to have SOME way to get these random things off my chest from time to time, no?

i think that i shall attempt to post two pictures with this update because I didn't have time to upload one with my post from this morning. I really was on a pretty tight schedule today, and yet- i didn't get anything that I wanted to be done... done. GRRR.

I can't even get myself to remember what i was getting on here to write about.

i hate when that happens. =/

in other news, i have found out today that my blog only has like 145 views (half of which were probably me) and i have had a blogger account since like 06 or somewhere around there. I think this means that I was right when i said that no one ever reads these darn things anyways.

can't says i blame ya. right now anyways.

am i making any sense?

meh. oh well.

for now.

Mischief Managed.

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...........can't get any pictures to upload anyways.

Live For Moments You Can't Put Into Words.

I have about 5 minutes to type this Blog... which now that i think about it, doesn't really seem all that possible.

I have to take the girls to school momentarily and then it's on to figuring out the rest of my day. Yesterday didn't go at all how i expected it to go upon waking up... I went to work and had a pretty rough day which i suppose should have just been expected becuase tuesdays are for some reason usually a pretty busy day for us.. but people there had some strange moods going on. It seemed like everyone was angry or upset about something. Could have all just been from people getting stressed out, or maybe i was just stressed out so that's how it seemed to me... the world may never know.

When I got back from work I ended up going to give one of my old friends a ride to get his car from his dad, and got to hangout with him for a bit which was pretty nice. THEN another one of my friends who i hadn't seen in over 2 years ended up coming over to my house. It was really nice to see her it was just a little bit weird because it had been so long. I couldn't tell if she was different or if I'm just so different that she seemed diffferent as well... hmm... that's somthing to Riddle over i suppose.

The rest of the day? i had SOOOOOOOOooOOOOoooOOOOooo many things that i needed to get done, but i ended up... sleeping. Just sleeping. Fun huh? Not so much for me... TOOOO MUCH SLEEEP.

Thought of the Day: "Don't sweat that small stuff, and remember. It's ALL small stuff." ... seems like an old and stuffy saying... but seriously, Try it. I DARE YOU.


I'm all out of time now.


Mischief Managed.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Today You are You, that is Truer than True...

...There is no one alive who is Youer than You.


So lately I have found myself ridiculously determined that I am going to fix my house up. There many many MANY things that need to be done to this place for it to be in a good condition. BUTTTTTTT I need to get it all done. I just hate that I get so impatient with things like this... i want it all to be DONE ALREADY!!!!!! errrg!!! =P


My boyfriend is leaving in 23 days. He'll be gone for 18 weeks and I am really not looking forward to it. He's kind of been what has kept me grounded lately... the one thing that has really kept me sane. As incredibly much as i complain about him and how he annoys the hell out of me, and complain that we fight all the time, I never really find myself gushing about how wonderful he is for me... I feel like a shitty girlfriend because of that. He knows I love him though, and that's really all that matters. =)

I have so many plans circling through my head in constant rotation that I have been finding it a bit difficult lately to focus on just one thing. I go to work, come home, take the girls to school, try to get some sleep, fail miserably because I can never seem to get my thoughts to shut the hell up. It is sincerely bothering me. I'm sure that I will figure it all out in time... I know that I worry too damn much.

it is 12:40am... i have to clock in at work at 3:30 am... I am trying to figure out if it's really worth it to go to sleep for the 2 hours i might get to sleep before i need to start getting ready... and it is starting to seem like i should just stay awake... which sucks because i know that i am going to get really tired before i ever start working.

annnnnnd here i go again. rambling away... probably talking in circles.

typical Angel.


i think that i'm going to attempt the sleep thing? maybe?
