Sunday, January 30, 2011

When Nothing is Going Right... Go Left.

So today has not been a very wonderful day... to say the very least.

i have been trying to do everything in my power to make sure that everyone around me is happy and content with their lives and i have been killing myself doing so... it seems as though i should at the very least be granted the decency of a "thanks Angel, i appreciate it" every once in a great while. i don't feel like that is to much to ask.

In other news... my boyfriend is absolutely amazing lately. He has been the only thing really holding me together. I love that we have been doing so well lately. I love that even in the midst of this chaotic world that i have somehow found myself immersed in, he still manages to make me feel happy. i love that about him.

i do not know what in the world i would ever do with out this man.

i've caught myself a good one... now to figure out how to trap him for good. =P

NO, i know he loves me.

Moving on, i am currently sitting here on my mom's bed with my macbook laying open in front of me. My mother is sleeping a few feet away from me. Do you know how hard it is to type quietly??!?

I think that people in my life are getting upset with me a lot lately because i have been complaining about my life pretty non-stop to basically anyone who will listen to me... i suppose this is not a very attractive quality in a friendship... =/ but what else am i supposed to do? i have learned from experience that i cause myself WAY bigger problems if i keep things bottled up inside for forever... i gave myself stomach ulcers that way... i don't want to make them worse. That's all i need right? MORE doctor bills to pay for? Not so much. =/ ugh.

i feel like everytime i get on here to make another post it is filled with a whole bunch of negative things in my life. why do i only get the strong urge to blog when i am having a horrible day? does that make any DAMN sense to you??! is anyone even reading this mumbo jumbo?


i just realized that there is a very large chance that i am just blogging quietly to myself.

what. is. wrong. with. me.


i don't even want to begin to touch on that subject... so i think i may have found a fairly decent resting point for this.

